- THE AGE OF MADNESS, A guide to 1960s punk
and psychedelia. Published 1992.
- 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS - The complete reference file (book); first edition.
Published 1999.
- 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS - The complete reference file (book); second edition.
Published 2002.
- THE ACID ARCHIVES, The Ultimate Guide To
Underground Sounds 1965-82; with Aaron Milenski & Ron Moore. Published 2006.
(all books above are out of print)
- contributor to
GALACTIC RAMBLE, edited by Richard Morton Jack (Foxcote, UK 2009).
- THE ACID ARCHIVES, The Ultimate Guide To
Underground Sounds 1965-82 -- Second Edition, revised and printed in color. Published 2010.
- PSYCHEDELIA - An Ancient
Culture, A Modern Lifestyle. Published 2012.
- "A Quest For Pure Sanity -- The Psychedelic
Poetry Of Tommy Hall", article published in B.U.L.T magazine 1998. Revised
version available on-line, 2011.
- "Cold Sun -- Austin's lost mystery group"; article published in
Misty Lane magazine #18, 2003.
- "Confessions Of A Teen-age Moptop -- memories of the Stockholm 1980s
garage scene"; article published in Misty Lane magazine #18, 2003.
- "Woody Guthrie on Acid -- the Mel Lyman
Family"; article published in Ugly Things magazine #22, 2004.
- "Alan Watts' This Is It -- the first
psychedelic LP"; article published in Misty Lane magazine #19, 2005.
- "Denise Kaufman & the Ace Of Cups";
article published in Shindig! magazine #7, 2005.
- "Lysergic Pranksters In Texas"
(about Kesey & the Pranksters); article published in Ugly Things magazine
#23, 2005.
- "There's Still Gold In Them Hills"
-- 20 Rare Albums That Need To Be Reissued"; article published in Ugly Things magazine
#24, 2006.
- "The Laguna Beach Christmas
Happening 1970"; article published in Shindig! magazine, vol 2, #1, 2007.
- "Esoteric Trips", recurring
1-page column in Shindig! magazine, bimonthly 2007-2008.
- "Steve Kaczorowski - Originator Of Karaoke Rock", article published in
Ugly Things magazine #25, 2007
- "How To Arrange A Human Be-In" (about the Human Be-In and Michael Bowen);
article published in Shindig! magazine #5, 2008
- "Live On The 13th Floor" (13th Floor Elevators live recordings); article
published in Shindig! magazine #6, 2008.
- "The Peyote Sounds Of Cold Sun"; article published in Shindig! magazine
#6, 2008.
- "The Sound Of A Secure Future - Custom Label Rock"; article published in
Ugly Things magazine #28, 2009
- "Sky Sunlight Saxon - The Lost Years";
article published in Ugly Things magazine #29, 2009
- "The Early Days Of The Perth County Conspiracy"; article published in Ugly
Things magazine #30, 2010
- "Exploring The Unknown: The Roots Of Psychedelic Music"; article published
in Flashback magazine #1, 2012
- various minor contributions, Flashback
magazine #1 and #2, 2012
- "Teenbeat Mayhem", indepth review of
book by Mike Markesich in Flashback #2, 2012
- "The Stuff Dreams Are Made On" (about Shakespeare and Eleusis); article
published in the Fenris Wolf #5, 2012
- "Is Stereo Twice As Psychedelic?" (mono
vs stereo), part 1; article published in Flashback magazine #3, 2013
- "Donovan's Isle Of Islay", article in
The Wire magazine, April 2013
- "Underground Channels" (mono
vs stereo), part 2; article published in Flashback magazine #4, 2013
- "Space Exotica"; article published in Space
Rock, a Shindig magazine special, 2013
- "The Psychedelic Experience"; liner notes for vinyl & CD reissue
series vol 1-4; 1994-2002.
- "The Stomachmouths"; liner notes for retrospective CD on Subliminal
Sounds, released 2003.
- "Headstone/Golden Dawn"; liner notes for retrospective CD on Splash
2, released 2003.
- "Virgin Insanity"; liner notes for prospective CD 2005; never
- "Michael James"; interview
for World In Sound reissue, Germany 2006.
- "Ron Matelic, Anonymous & J
Rider", feature
article for Anthology Recordings website, 2007.
- "Never Ever Land; International Artists 1965-70", liner notes and
discography for CD box-set on Charly Records.
- "Jade Stone & Luv";
interview and liner notes for Subliminal Sounds CD/LP reissue, 2008.
- "Peter Grudzien", feature
article for Anthology Recordings website, 2008.
- "Third Estate",
article for Anthology Recordings website, 2008.
- "Perry Leopold",
article for Anthology Recordings website, 2009.
- "Alan Watts' This Is IT",
article for Anthology Recordings website, 2009.
- "Kristyl", liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain 2010.
- "Drendall, Thrower & Friends", liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain
- "R.F.D - Lead Me Home", liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain 2010.
- "Perry Leopold -
Experiment In Metaphysics",
liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain 2012.
- "Ark -Voyages",
liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain 2012.
- "Radiomoebel - Tramsebox", liner notes
for planned LP reissue, 2013.
- "Mu - same (first LP)", interview and
liner notes for Guerssen LP reissue, Spain 2013
Feed Your Head
a website about psychedelic literature and art
The Lama Reviews
our earliest website with indepth reviews and an introduction to psychedelic
The Lama Workshop
a vast library of interviews and articles
The Attic
featuring reviews and release data for obscure US records not listed in the Acid
Archives book.
Eternal Now a long-running commentary
on music and psychedelic matters (retired but still available)
Acid Archives Updates
a blog with additions and comments on the Acid
Archives Second Edition book
Psychedelia a blog with additions and
discussions related to the 2012 Psychedelia book
Reflections Of The Third Eye blog
dedicated to movie reviews and commentary
Lysergia start page
at The Lama
- Ace Of Cups (same as print version,
- The Aggregation
- Anonymous / Sir Winston & the Commons
(Ron Matelic interview)
- Beat Of The Earth
- Christoper (from TX/CA)
- CA Quintet
- Cold Sun
- Hoi' Polloi
- Homer
- Michael James
- Magi
- F J McMahon
- Modlin & Scott
- Joseph Pusey
- Shadrack Chameleon
- Tumbleweed Records (Robb Kunkel interview)
- Virgin Insanity
- Waterfall (US)
- Yahowha 13
Available at
The Lama Workshop &
Feed Your Head
- "Alan Watts' This Is It -- the first
psychedelic LP" (same as print version, above)
- "Confessions Of A Teen-age Moptop -- memories of the Stockholm 1980s
garage scene" (same as print version, above)
- "Headstone/Golden Dawn" (longer
version of liner notes, above)
- "International Artists" label story
& discography
- "Justice For All -- the Justice record
- "The Laguna Beach Christmas
Happening 1970" and the "100% Unknown Fibers" LP (same as print
version, above)
- "Nightshadows -- the 'Square Root Of
Two' album"
- "Quicksilver -- the 1968 Fillmore East
- "Rain Parade -- The Best Psychedelic Band
of the 1980s"
- "Sky Sunlight Saxon -- the Vintage
- "The Stomachmouths" (edited version
of CD liner notes, above)
- "Terence McKenna -- Psychedelics,
Evolution & Fun"
- "13th Floor Elevators -- The Psychedelic
Poetry Of Tommy Hall" (same as print version, above)
- "Til Waiting Is Filled -- Myths & Facts Regarding the 13th
Floor Elevators Studio Recordings"
- "Westcoast Acidrock Tapes -- the
Charlatans, the Daily Flash, Kaleidoscope, Mad River"

& inquiries to
Patrick Lundborg
List updated January 2014